Why you don’t need motivation to achieve your goals.

You have a goal. You know what you have to do. You might even create a plan to make it happen, but somehow you end up not doing it. Either you start slacking off or you can't even start. It seems you cannot find the motivation to stick with your plans and whatever you are supposed to do. I have been there. We live in a world where we are supposed to be motivated every day. If you want something, go get it. If you don't get it maybe it's because you didn't want it enough or you are not willing to put the effort. I used to think this way, but I don't think is that simple anymore. Saying you don't get something because you lack motivation is looking at the problem the wrong way. It is very hard to be motivated every single day, but it is easier to develop the systems that allow you to get more determination. Once you have determination, you can get anything done and find your motivation along the way. There are two fundamentals from two ...